
General Chapter:



From: Medi Veronica, Associate Member Philippines

Greetings from Manila Philippines! In a few days dear Brothers, you will be together for the 23rd General Chapter. Tomorrow, we the associates of Manila will get together too in prayer for a  Spirit -led Chapter. We assure you of our intent to continue our reflection on “radical prophecy”  to which we are called. We continue to commit to the answer of the  question of Jesus when He asks if we love Him. Like Peter, we say ”You know Lord, that I love you.” We pray for all of us in the Congregation the living and the dead. Warmest.


From: Ashraf Rahmat, Associate Member, Lahore, Pakistan

Rev. Bro Rene Stockman, I would like to assure you my prayers for the general chapter and the BOC congregation and all the participants. May God bless you all and give His spirit and wisdom for the future of the BOC and good supervision for the congregation. That I wish and pray. May God Almighty use you more for the good of the BOC and our vision and mission to serve Christianity and humanity through our congregation. Amen.


From: Bro. Bonaventure Kungwa, Marumba, Tanzania

May God bless the new general Superior his excellence brother general Superior René Stockman and his vicar general JM Mukonkole. May God bless our congregation and all brothers there.
Thank you, we are all one in praying of the general meeting.