Third step: Scholasticate
Following the first profession, brothers will get acquainted with the concrete reality of their own regions. For that purpose, they will have a first experience of community life and of commitment to the poor through a specific apostolate. Also, the brothers’ options for continued formation and training will be examined in consultation with the superiors. Training will be primarily professionally oriented in line with the Congregation’s apostolic works. Brothers train to be nurses, educators, teachers, psychologists, social workers, physicians… Formation and training of brothers has always been a key priority for the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity. They study at local universities and stay in scholasticates or houses of formation together with other brother students. During that period, they will also focus on their further religious formation. For specific courses, organized by the Congregation, brothers may also be sent to Belgium where they can take classes at the International Institute Canon Triest.
Brothers renew their profession for two years and, again, for three years. After six years of temporary vows, they are ready to commit their lives to God by the perpetual profession. At that time, the continued professional training has usually been completed and brothers can fully dedicated themselves to the apostolate of the Congregation at the service of the poor.