The life of a religious brother is a life of consecrated celibacy, in which the brother commits his life to God and God alone, and in which he finds profound joy. He voluntarily chooses not to marry and consecrate his life to God.
As a religious brother, he shapes his life by professing three vows:
- by the vow of obedience he expresses that he wants to go out into the world and truly listen, and be open to any question that may arise and view it as an invitation to follow the Will of God in his life, following the example of Jesus Christ himself.
- the vow of poverty calls him to adopt a frugal and austere way of life and to gladly share all of his gifts and talents with those who lack so much.
- by the vow of chastity he promises to embrace a life of celibacy and approach his own life and that of another in a pure, open way. With this vow, he distinctly shows that God can fulfil a life in every dimension.