Perpetual profession in Kakamega
Kakamega, Kenya – In Kakamega near Kisumu in Kenya, there was great joy on Saturday, 20 August 2022, on the occasion of the perpetual profession of Brother Gasper Ofisi as a Brother of Charity.
DetailsKakamega, Kenya – In Kakamega near Kisumu in Kenya, there was great joy on Saturday, 20 August 2022, on the occasion of the perpetual profession of Brother Gasper Ofisi as a Brother of Charity.
DetailsLubumbashi, DR Congo – On 18 August 2022, four brothers pronounced in the newly established parish of Saint Bernard in Lubumbashi their perpetual profession and two brothers commemorated the 25th anniversary of their first profession.
DetailsMoerzeke, Belgium – On Wednesday 29 June 2022, seven students who completed the course on ‘Social Teaching of the Church’ defended their final dissertation.
DetailsKigoma, Tanzania – On Thursday, 2 June 2022, the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity in Kigoma, Tanzania, welcomed five brothers who professed their perpetual vows and were accepted by Superior General Brother René Stockman.
DetailsIn this book, Brother René Stockman, Superior General of the Brothers of Charity, approaches the figure of Peter Joseph Triest, founder of four congregations, from a narrative perspective.
DetailsHosanna, Ethiopia – Saturday, 7 May 2022 was a historic day for our brothers in Ethiopia. After 12 years of being active there, the Congregation was able to accept the first three Ethiopian brothers for their perpetual profession.
DetailsBujumbura, Burundi – 9 April 2022. On Saturday, 9 April 2022, two brothers pronounced their perpetual vows in Bujumbura, in the presence of Br. René Stockman, the Superior General.
DetailsRome, 21 March 2022 – Yesterday evening, our beloved confrere Brother Godfried Bekaert, General Assistant, passed away in Ghent following a brief but severe illness.
DetailsNdera, Rwanda – 19 February 2022. During the celebration of the Eucharist presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Kambanda, Archbishop of Kigali, 21 novices professed their first vows as Brothers of Charity in the hands of the Superior General, Brother René Stockman. Three brothers also made their perpetual profession.
DetailsLubumbashi, 5 January 2022. On the occasion of the canonical visit of Superior General Brother René Stockman to the scholasticate in Lubumbashi, DR Congo, an extensive visit was also paid to the Dr. Joseph Guislain Neuropsychiatric Centre.