Day 15 General Chapter – Wednesday 18 July 2018

The chapter commission worked this morning on the additions to the motions as they were written out as projects the previous days. The afternoon was given over to a long plenary meeting, where every proposal was reviewed and supplemented with a number of remarks. The recasting of the constitutions did not immediately come to a compromise, and it was finally decided that the proposal developed by the commission set up for this purpose could be included during the next chapter period.


Day 13 General Chapter – Monday 16 July 2018

We were very saddened to hear of the death of Bro. Paul De Cocq from Belgium this morning. During the opening prayer he was specially commemorated, and we thanked the Lord for his life as a Brother of Charity. Today it became a full day in plenum. This morning the chapter committee reported on its activities during the past week. In the afternoon, Bro. Adrian Hartotanojo gave the report from the committee which looked at a possible revision of the constitutions. The last session reported on the work of the European province, brought by Bro. Luc Van Dyck.


Day 11 General Chapter – Friday 13 July 2018

Friday Bro. Deogratias Rwabudandi was celebrated in a special way during the Eucharist at the occasion of his 51th birthday. The whole morning the capitulars where in plenum to discuss the reports of the linguistic discussion groups and to change ideas. The theme “In the mission of charity” had gathered a lot of ideas. At the end of the meeting Jacques Van Daele thanked in the name of the present associate members. In the afternoon the chapter commission worked further on the redaction of the motions which have to give a summary of the activities of this first week of the chapter of affairs.
