Interview Bro. René Stockman (Vincentian Family)
Watch a video interview with Brother René Stockman by the Vincentian Family about the Congregation Brothers of Charity here.
DetailsWatch a video interview with Brother René Stockman by the Vincentian Family about the Congregation Brothers of Charity here.
DetailsTagaytay, Philippines. On Saturday 30 March 2019, the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity welcomed 15 young people who received the habit and became novices of the Brothers of Charity during an oblation ceremony. The novices are from Vietnam, Papua New Guinea, India, Rwanda, and Burundi.
DetailsButare, Rwanda – 25 February 2019. The sick at Caraes Butare celebrated today because they were able to move into their new unit.
DetailsKigali, Rwanda. On Friday 22 February 2019, 28 novices professed their first vows in Kigali, and 6 brothers professed their perpetual vows in the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity.
DetailsThe official appointment of the Provincial and Regional Superiors by the Superior General concluded the meeting of the Provincial and Regional Superiors with the General Council in Rome.
Details“SHIJIE wish that all the programs of Brothers of Charity in China will continuously develop, in order to serve more people in needs and bring greater benefits to them in the love of God. May the congregation in China, specifically in Taiyuan grow and develop, so that can work together with more and more people and strength to build the Kingdom of God.”
DetailsProvincial and Regional Superiors meet in Rome. On Tuesday 22 January, the group was received by the Congregation for Consecrated Life. They were welcomed by the Congregation’s prefect, Cardinal Braz de Aviz, and secretary, Archbishop Mgr. Carballo.
DetailsFrom 14 January until 2 February 2019, the new Provincial and Regional Superiors gathered in Rome for a meeting with the General Council. In addition to the formal appointment of these brothers to their respective positions, the meeting will discuss the follow-up of the motions of the General Chapter.
DetailsOn the occasion of Christmas and New Year, Bro. René Stockman has written his annual Christmas Letter.
Read it here.
On 10 October 2018, World Mental Health Day, the Dr. Guislain Museum and Janssen Research & Development, LLC named the Center for Victims of Torture the 2018 winner of the Dr. Guislain “Breaking the Chains of Stigma” Award.