New book presented
On Friday, 19 May 2017, Halewijn, a publishing house, presented a new book by Bro. René Stockman at the Guislain Formation Centre in Ghent.
On Friday, 19 May 2017, Halewijn, a publishing house, presented a new book by Bro. René Stockman at the Guislain Formation Centre in Ghent.
Le 13 mai 2017, à l’occasion de la commémoration du centenaire de l’apparition de Notre-Dame à Fatima, la Congrégation des Frères de la Charité a renouvelé dans le monde entier sa consécration au Cœur Immaculé de Marie.
On Saturday 13 May 2017, the new Peter Joseph Triest Psychiatric Centre was inaugurated and consecrated.
In our capacity of General Administration, we fully disapprove of the vision statement as it goes against the basic principles inherent in the charism of the Congregation.
In the presence of a large gathering, including the Governor of Lomami Province, the new construction projects and the reconstruction work in the Kintu Kimune primary school and the IPRO Kifulo vocational school were inaugurated and consecrated in Kabinda on 4 May 2017.